21 June 2012

Week Nine: Green Chicken

This recipe originally came from the July edition of the Sainsbury's Magazine and isn't particularly cheap - I cooked it on skewers on the barbeque instead of in whole pieces under the grill. 
Note: this needs to be marinated for several hours. Cost: £2.70 pp

Serves 4
Spices: 1tsp each cumin and fennel seeds
            1/2 tsp each black peppercorns and cloves
            Seeds from 4 cardamom pods
            7.5cm root ginger, peeled and chopped
            A large handful of mint leaves
            4 cloves of garlic, chopped
            1/2 tsp each turmeric, cinnamon and nutmeg
            2 green chillies, chopped

Others: 10 chicken breasts
            Juice of 1 lemon
            250g natural yoghurt
Toast the cumin, fennel, black peppercorns and cloves in a dry frying pan until you can really smell them, then grind with a pestle and mortar or a food processor, along with the cardamom seeds.
Blend the mint, ginger, garlic and chillies in a blender with a little water until you have a paste, then mix this into the yoghurt with everything on the spice list. Add the lemon and mix again.
Chop the chicken into strips about an inch wide and 2 long and toss in the marinade. Leave to infuse (in the marinade) for at least 2 hours. Put some bamboo skewers in water to soak.
Thread the chicken onto the soaked skewers.
Barbeque over a medium heat for approx. 15 minutes, depending on the heat.

3 June 2012

Revision Biscuits

I know that most people have trouble with staying motivated while revising... I have problems with actually starting to revise. These biscuits were because I needed to do some chemistry revision and I was feeling lazy, so there's very little cooking involved!

An even number of digestive biscuits
Some whipping cream
Some icing sugar                                        Precise, I know!
Some vanilla essence
Some chocolate
Some icing

Melt the chocolate.
Whip together the cream, icing sugar and vanilla.
Sandwich together two digestives with cream, then spread the top with chocolate and allow to set.
Ice with whatever facts need to be remembered, then only eat the ones that you have thoroughly committed to memory!